Happy Pi Day!
It's Pi Day!.. so let's celebrate this made up holiday by browsing some homes listed at $31,400, $314,000, and $3.14 million across the country >> check out this article from Realtor.com :)
It's Pi Day!.. so let's celebrate this made up holiday by browsing some homes listed at $31,400, $314,000, and $3.14 million across the country >> check out this article from Realtor.com :)
A friendly reminder that Daylight savings time begins tonight at 2AM.. don't forget to turn your clocks up! Spring is almost here :) :)
There has been a big resurgence lately in the fiber arts world. Lots of beautiful weavings are being used in home decor to make a statement on blank walls. An old trend made new again.
Check out these incredible pieces >>
If you're feeling especially crafty, check out this tutorial and learn how to weave your own!